Makes better use of screen space.
That will work as long as you force the aspect to 4x3. If you set it to auto, you may get unexpected results.
You might want to adjust the bezel outer corner radius scale.
Finally working on OrionsAngel’s Video Game Overlays. I have finished getting the scale and position settings, all I have to do now is the Color variants.
Edit: Done.
I really liked these frames.
Congratulations on the contribution!!
I figured to post a new image of the bezel alt I did since the Noise for the Frame has been fixed. I was thinking about doing another bezel with a thin frame just for the settings.
Edit: Threw one together real quick. This one is essentially all Bezel and no Frame.
Mega Bezel Thin Frame
HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "230.000000"
HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = "102.000000"
HSM_BZL_SCALE_OFFSET = "101.000000"
HSM_BZL_NOISE = "20.000000"
HSM_FRM_THICKNESS = "10.000000"
I added Mega Bezel settings to @fercho’s Animated Borders, Mega Drive and PSX, for those that want it.
Mega Drive
HSM_BZL_NOISE = "10.000000"
Sony PSX
HSM_BZL_HIGHLIGHT = "25.000000"
HSM_BZL_NOISE = "10.000000"
I don’t know if you can update the potato preset file, because this can be a pleasant game on the phone anytime, anywhere? thank you for your work
The only way I could use the Potato shader was by changing the Viewport Zoom
Mega Drive - HSM_VIEWPORT_ZOOM = “110.400000”
PSX - HSM_VIEWPORT_ZOOM = “107.400000”
I finally get to take a shot at @Duimon’s Sega Saturn Alt Graphic . I tried my hands at a Japan version.
I did the Japan version again with the bios being for the Japanese console. I will be doing the US version too, but all it will be is just a color change to the Device Layer.
Edit: Change the Default Bezel color to the Device Layer somewhat. So that all the Bezels are the same color as there respected console open buttons.
I forgot about the variation I did of the Sega Saturn. I might as well do parameter files for that as well.
Edit: I have completed everything and will be posting the settings tomorrow.
Duimon Sega Saturn
All the preset bezels are based around the open buttons on their respected consoles. The PVMs are based on the console colors.
I am trying a new layout where the settings are at the top and [Style]: Layer Settings used. There are some that use settings on a Different Layer than is in the Global Settings, those are stated as Settings Layer (Layer used).
Black Global Settings Europe Global Settings
--------------------- ----------------------
[Bezel Color] [Bezel Color]
Hue: 192.00 Hue: 208.00
Saturation: 8.00 Saturation: 6.00
Value: 13.00 Value: 50.00
[Background Layer] [Device Layer]
Colorize: 1.00 Hue: 166.00
Hue: 170.00 Saturation: 10.00
Saturation: 9.00 Brightness: 10.00
Brightness: 54.00 Gamma: 1.50
Gamma: 0.50
[Decal Layer]
[Device Layer] Hue: 166.00
Hue: 150.00 Saturation: 10.00
Saturation: 10.00 Brightness: 10.00
Brightness: 1.00 Gamma: 1.50
[Decal Layer]
Hue: 150.00
Saturation: 10.00
Brightness: 1.00
Japan Global Settings US Global Settings
--------------------- ------------------
[Bezel Color] [LED Layer]
Hue: 332.00 Hue: 32.00
Saturation: 54.00 Gamma: 0.44
Value: 86.00
[Background Layer]
Brightness: 150.00
Gamma: 1.70
[LED Layer]
Hue: 213.00
Saturation: 6.00
Brightness: 120.00
Gamma: 1.10
[Device Layer]
Hue: 288.00
Saturation: 80.00
Brightness: 70.00
Gamma: 0.90
[Decal Layer]
Hue: 288.00
Saturation: 80.00
Brightness: 70.00
Gamma: 0.90
[Cabinet or Cabinet Glass]
Hue: 203.00
Saturation: 6.00
Brightness: 52.00
Gamma: 0.42
[Bezel Color] TM20
Hue: 0.00
Saturation: 0.00
Value: 94.00
[Device Layer] PVM20 and TM20
Brightness: 100.00
Gamma: 0.90
Custom-Bezel_002, PVM20 and TM20 use custom images by Duimon.
DeviceImage = "Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Backgrounds/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png" DecalImage = "Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Backgrounds/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"
DeviceImage = "Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"
DeviceImage = "Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"
Sega Saturn Black
[Bezel]: Bezel and Background
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel and Background
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Background and Device
[TM20]: Bezel, Background and Device
Sega Saturn Europe
[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Same as Default PVM20
[TM20]: Same as Default TM20
Sega Saturn Japan
[Bezel]: Bezel, Background, Device and Decal
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel, Background, LED (Device Layer) and Cabinet (Decal Layer)
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Background, LED and Device
[TM20]: Bezel, Background, LED and Device
Sega Saturn US
[Bezel]: LED (Device Layer)
[Custom-Bezel_001]: LED (Device Layer)
[Custom-Bezel_002]: LED
[PVM20]: LED
[TM20]: LED
*LED (Device Layer) = LED is settings used and () is Layer used
Hey, taking a look at the variations with lighter colors on the frame It seems that the frame highlight texture kind of disappears.
You might want to try increasing the opacity of the frame highlight texture to get more of a highlight effect visible.
Edit: This might actually be something we should automatically compensate for in the shader…