Found the problem was the path again. @Big_al let me know if you find any others that don’t work.
Going through the JAKKS games and found there to be 49. I am going to be only doing params for those that actually work with MAME.
I will be working on some params along with the Console Arcade 3DS and DS CyberLab Megatron presets next.
Been having the idea to do glass with the Stick variation for a while. After messing with it for a little while I thought to just set stripes and cabinet to custom background image. With the backgrounds being custom, I am going to have to merge the images and change the presets around. This work will be after 3DS and DS.
I used OrionsAngel’s glass image as placeholder to show the idea, I will be making my own.
Edit: I will most likely add the psd file for those who want custom colors of the background.
Created the glass image and working with @Big_al to fix presets that have errors. I also made the psd file for custom backgrounds and will placing it at res/custom.
CyberLab and Megatron presets have been added to 3DS and DS Console Arcade in the repo. The variations weren’t made for Big since they would be too big. I also made scanlines appear on the other handheld presets as well.
I will be working on adding the glass image to Stick and doing the first 5 jak params.
I have added another batch of JAKKs params for Various to the repo.
jak_care -- Care Bears TV Games
jak_disf -- Disney Friends
jak_disn -- Disney
jak_dora -- Dora the Explorer: Nursery Rhyme Adventure
jak_dorr -- Dora the Explorer: Race to Play Park
jak_dpr -- Disney Princess
jak_dprs -- Disney Princesses
jak_fan4 -- Fantastic Four
jak_gtg -- Golden Tee Golf
jak_hmg2 -- Hannah Montana G2 Deluxe
I changed the Guest settings for Console Arcade in the repo. I thought of not doing CyberLab and Megatron settings for Stick and do a version of it for koko-aio instead.
@Big_al noticed problems with CyberLab and Megatron Variations that got me to look at them overall. I will be checking the styles and cleaning them up next. I figured to get CyberLab and Megatron to contain the reference to Mega Bezel params and necessary changes. The changes should create a “zoomed” look of the Mega Bezel presets.
Something is looking very wrong with the Slot Mask pattern in this image. Firstly I don’t think I have any Slot Mask Presets that use a B&W Mask. Secondly there seems to be an issue with the Slot Mask Width and general structure of the Slot Mask. I aim for RGB or RBG triads almost all the time.
What presets is this?
I set the Mega Bezel presets to use Mask 7 and didn’t change it back to 6 before taking the screenshot.
A quick update: I have the settings for rescaling done and changed arcade, candy, face and plain.
The Console Arcade rescaling changes have been added to the repo. If there is a problem let me know.
While messing with the rescaling, I thought to go through the decals and possibly add stripes on the left side of Stick backgrounds.
Came up with the idea to do a separate CyberLab and Megatron design, called MegaLab. I will delete the presets for the other designs as well. I will be doing 3 small cloth-like speakers on the left and right.