Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

Eject is spelled correctly (The same.) in all the graphics. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This eject symbol is supposed to be sideways, it is the 4x3 that is wrong… I will fix it also.

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Double checked they where spelled right. I thought I saw one spelled wrong but I guess not. I have a wii and I didn’t notice the Eject symbol being sideways, that tells you how much attention is paid to the console during gameplay.

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I didn’t notice until I was working on the update… it has been wrong for a very long time. :grin:

I just forgot to fix the 4x3. :wink:

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I have made the variations of the Wii based on the Mario character Wii remotes. I wanted to get some feedback before I post them.


I think they all look great!

Nice work matching the bezel color… it can be tricky.

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The bezel color can be a little tricky. :sob: Thanks for the feedback, I will be creating the presets and setting the 16x9 colors.

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I am thinking about doing the settings for the other Yoshi colors from Super Mario World. If I do, the settings will be only posted on here.


I was thinking screw it and do the Dark Gray Bezel for PS2.


I think I may have used that at first and changed it at some point.


@Duimon Have you ever thought of doing consoles that could be mounted vertically with the entire console intact but just to the left or right of a more standard looking TV graphic? Possibly with controllers plugged in and wires hanging down and disappearing into the foreground?

Also with the console at a realistic scale relative to the TV?

Sony Playstation 2

I didn’t make the PVM20 and TM20 variations since the default ones are already close to this color.

PS2 Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
	Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 15.60

PS2 Gray - Custom Bezel 002
[Bezel & Frame Color]
	Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 15.60
[Device Layer] & [Decal Layer]
	Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 14

Next up is going to be Sony Playstation. I might set it so that the bezel doesn’t have a decal.

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It should have something man. What about one of those old school chrome Sony logos with a little depth to it?

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I was thinking to remove the decal because of SONY being on the graphic in the top right. To get the old style chromed Sony logo, Duimon would have to do that.

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I thought so but it just seems like something is missing with it bare. Was thinking the silver/chrome decal would give the TV some identity without clashing with the console.


I thought about it. The vast majority of consoles don’t have a whole lot going on from the front view. (Although some have very little happening on top.)

You also have to use perspective or it just looks weird.

Other issues have to do with the number of pixels you have work with when graphics get so small. I had a really tough time with the knobs and text on my TM20 graphic… there just weren’t really enough pixels to effectively use any raster effects for realism. Even a 1/2 pixel Gaussian blur was too much.


@hgoda90 is only using parameters to change these, as per my license restrictions.


Trust me I did try a little with just the parameters.

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There is really no reason I can’t separate some of the stuff for these old presets into different layers so you can have some fun. I just have a lot on my plate right now.

It looks like v1.0 of the shader may be close and v34 of Batocera is just scant weeks away.


Your priorities should definitely be determined by you. If it was me I would deal with v1 and Batocera first.