Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates


Is there a way to make the shader ignore the given resolution and display scanlines as a fixed one, say 320 x 240?

I have a problem with Mupen64plus-next, i use 640x480 resolution because 320 x 240 is far too blocky but the shader makes it look like high-res because it takes that 640 x 480 into account. I used CRT-Geom before and that shader doesn’t care what resolution you have, it always diplays the scanlines like a low-res 320 x 240 but the games don’t look blocky because “natively” they are 640 x 480.

How can i achieve the same effect with the reflection shader?


Possibly the Resolution Independent Scanlines would achieve this, This would need to be worked into the shader chain, probably in the prep after the CRT image is generated

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If you can spare a setting space, you could just use scanline resolution multiplier from my repo. It’d only work for guest-dr-venom though so you may be better off with what you were planning.

The Mega Bezel is updates to V2020-05-16-0


  • Top Image Opacity Mask and and Blend modes added so textures can be placed on top of the screen, or outside of the screen, or on the frame. Thanks to @Duimon for his input and testing on this feature
  • New Screen Vignette, using the one @syh recommended.
  • Phosphor Persistence from Mame_hlsl which seems to be working well
  • Lut Colors added to all presets, you can now turn on lut colors, it is using the Other1 LUT from torrid gristle. This works on all but Royale because royale doesn’t have any texture slots left to use. Overall this seems to give better blues
  • Color Controls added , Luminance, Gamma, Saturation, Temperature from Guest-Venom to all presets
  • Gamma at the end to control final brightness of everything including Frame & Background, basically something that you might tweak between different monitors, or day vs night
  • Glass Presets for Easymode & Royale
  • MDapt parameter now chooses between none, strict, relaxed and stripes to have a more permissive treatment.
  • GTU Switch is now in one parameter, Off, On, Composite
  • Debug printing is now larger at larger core res.
  • Debug now shows the version and the non-integer scale. This can be useful, so you can turn on integer scale, then check the debug to see what the non-integer scale percentage is for this size on the monitor
  • Royale version currently has an issue with where the vignette is not working, I’ll figure out what this. Royale is touchy I think because it has so many full res passes, and I’m running into wacky buffer corruption bits
  • Some parameter names updated, notably the screen corner & the overlay image is now top image
  • You will need to update your presets

Debug Info

Phosphor Persistence

Top Image in Add Mode

Screen Vignette

Regular Colors

LUT Colors

New Color Controls


Just curious which vignette? As I sorta recommended two, one was the fancy one @frenki was messing with (which is modified from mame-hlsl, then there’s the one I’m using in my repo (which is entirely different, it’s the one I posted for @Dogway that he then modified for grade), lol.

I enjoy mame’s phosphor shader alot as you may know. (It’s in my repo, lol)


It’s the one from shadertoy


That Phosphor Persistence looks awesome! This looks like a really hard won update. Thank you and Congratulations!



Which pass is the vignette in? I’d like to compare how your implementing it, as me and Dogway are applying it differently from each other.

Also could you point me to the mame phosphor persistence as well? (There’s so much code to wade through, lol.)

Edit: Found both but now I’m trying figure out where it actually applies the phosphor persistence.

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Amazing update! I love the LUT colors.


It’s in the first pass :slight_smile:


@Syh [quote=“Syh, post:858, topic:25512”] use scanline resolution multiplier from my repo [/quote]

Does this work in slang shaders and is there a link to it? I can’t find it.

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Phosphor persistence looks great… on a real CRT. Crappy modern LCD/LED panels have their own, unavoidable, motion blur because they are crappy modern panels. Not sure if i would want these kind of effects on top of that :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello all!

Nintendo Super Famicom!


Sounds like this feature is not for you then, luckily it is off by default.

I’ve updated the shader with better defaults for the persistence, I had made a mistake that @frenki had kindly pointed out.

Here’s what the new default is, the blue has more persistence than the others, I set this way after looking at a few videos of vintage crts, including Galaga & Smash TV


Are LUT colors closer to the “real” thing? Or is it just a preference? They seem to look more vibrant.

@HyperspaceMadness Great update and I love having the phosphor blur to play around with. I played around with it last night and I have a few questions:

-The LUT set to 1 looks great but kills the contrast in blues. I have included a screenshot. Is this supposed to happen? Perhaps I don’t understand what a LUT is.

-Pre-CRT Black Level with a positive crushes the image with too much black.

-Negative Crop Brightness, I can’t figure out what it does. I don’t see it changing the image.

Here are examples from the opening level of Alisia Dragon on the Genesis. First is default settings with the HSM venom shader but LUT set to 0. Next is LUT set to 1 and finally pre-CRT black level set to 0.05

Thank you for all your hard work HyperspaceMadness.

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Productive weekend everyone!

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I’m not sure it it ends up being more real or not. They are colors from a specific tv model torridgristle created.

To my eye they fix a lot of the blues which look a bit purple.

The lut colors are on, and with my last update this morning the color temperature is dialed to -50 so is a bit cooler.

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