Input lag and input action elongation

I’ve read some of the comments regarding input lag on Lakka (tried both the RPi and Wetek Play 2 releases) and I agree there is noticeable input lag as well as input action elongation (don’t know what else to call this; pressing a button/moving for x time gets expressed as a longer time than actually pressed). I haven’t read any threads (may of missed these threads) regarding the second aspects (input action elongation). Is there a solution for this second issue, or is it just related to the input lag (an attempt to compensate for the input lag)?

(used wired controllers); no issue if I use (for example) MAME on a Windows 10 atom tablet (tried games that these platforms can easily handle/low CPU usage)

I do believe this is what you’re looking for. However, don’t expect it to improve unless you’ve got some sort of magical technology to put on an ARM board to replace OpenGL that we don’t know about. :slight_smile: The original thread which this investigation prompted has been lost to the Sands of Time.

Edit: Brunnis found the link and I edited the post accordingly. Thanks Brunnis! I’d much rather use the original link!

thanks for the excellent link

I would recommend that you link to the version of this thread that resides on these boards, since it contains the same info + a lot of additional tests:

Has anyone been successful in getting dispmanx in Lakka for the rpi3? My friend and I have been trying recently and it doesn’t seem to work.