Koko-aio shader discussions and updates

First I’d like to thank @kokoko3k or this fantastic work. :slight_smile:

I did some testing with Batocera 38 on an Intel n100 CPU and can report very positive results:

  • The n100 is able to run the preset “Monitor-Ambilight-immersive.slangp” at full 60 fps 1920*1080 on all usual consoles up to Gamecube/Dreamcast.
  • To get even more performance headroom in Gamecube and Dreamcast, I put all variables in config-user.txt file. Couln’t find any game with fps slowdowns so far (all rendering resolutions on 1x).
  • Only Playstation 2 is too hard to handle, even with all static values in config-user.txt.
  • Paired with Duimons Bezels, the Ambilight preset is simply stunning perfect and my Batocera default set now!

Maybe this is helpful for anyone looking into getting a new cheap Mini-PC with n100 CPU. It’s a really superb price-to-performance CPU. If anyone is interested, I could provide my Batocera 38 shaderset. It goes copy-paste to the userdata/shaders/ folder.

Greetings, Duglim


Shouldn’t there be an unwrap-me.zip password for this file in these forums??? :sweat_smile:

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You’re really asking too much to my memory, commit messages are there for a reason :slight_smile:

Ahh, it is good to read someone is actually making use of that file!

unwrapme has been unwrapped days ago and it is no more under the main tree lol, check the merry christmas thread to take a look to the great work by alexb3d too!

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I was tricked, did not expect a separate thread. Such cool artwork. The unrwap-me file was a leftover in my fork ;-).

22 posts were split to a new topic: Bezels on nvidia 1030 GPU

Hi. Just in case you didn’t hear @kokoko3k, CoinOPS people is developing a new build using Koko-aio shader. It seems to be a vertical one, part of their newest “Atarashii” builds. They are using a generic cabinet overlays template, with the marquees.


is that good or bad? :slight_smile:

It depends on what you’re trying to achieve. CoinOPS build are nice but I don’t think they want to spend too much time customizing game per game, so a generic frame as cabinet, with just a marquee can be useful. Also, for small monitor like 23 o 27 inches in portrait, the screen real estate is important. On the other hand, if you prefer a "realistic’’ look, with the bezel and everything, a large screen and custom .params for each game are better.

Hi @kokoko3k What is the best option to play Darius (FBNeo)?

Hi there,

I cannot try right now and in a while, but maybe this answers your question too?

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Thanks… I hope you can review it at some point to better apply the bezel and curvature

With so little space for scanlines, i fear the only solution to draw their gaps is to use fake inteher scanlines.

As per the curvature, it is more prominent, yes, but that would require pre-generating another png for the curved bezel with that ultrawide aspect instead of just scaling it or maybe resorting to some kind of anamorphic scaling.

This is where Megabezel shines!


lol I see I’m not the only one crazy enough to insist on playing this game with 3 screens :smiley:

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This is with integer scanlines:

ultrawide preset
DO_CCORRECTION = "1.000000"
IN_GLOW_POWER = "1.200000"
TEMPERATURE = "7200.000000"
IN_GLOW_GAMMA = "2.200000"
GAMMA_OUT = "0.400000"
DO_SHIFT_RGB = "1.000000"
OFFSET_STRENGTH = "0.300000"
SHIFT_R = "-20.000000"
SHIFT_G = "0.000000"
SHIFT_B = "20.000000"
DO_IN_GLOW = "1.000000"
IN_GLOW_SPREAD = "1.600000"
IN_GLOW_W = "3.999998"
IN_GLOW_H = "7.000000"
DO_PIXELGRID = "1.000000"
DO_PIXELGRID_H = "1.250000"
PIXELGRID_MIN_H = "0.000000"
PIXELGRID_MAX_H = "0.500000"
PIXELGRID_GAMMA_H = "1.000000"
PIXELGRID_DECON_R_H = "-0.600000"
PIXELGRID_DECON_B_H = "0.600000"
PIXELGRID_H_PRST = "1.000000"
PIXELGRID_GAMMA_W = "4.299998"
PIXELGRID_Y_MASK = "0.000000"
PIXELGRID_Y_SPARK = "0.100000"
DO_HALO = "1.000000"
HALO_NO_PREGAIN = "1.000000"
HALO_POWER = "0.500000"
HALO_SHARPNESS = "6.500000"
HALO_VS_SCAN = "0.700000"
DO_BLOOM = "1.000000"
BLOOM_MIX = "0.400000"
BLOOM_GAMMA = "4.000000"
BLOOM_GAMMA_OUT = "1.200000"
BLOOM_POWER = "1.450000"
BLOOM_EYE_ADPT_SRT = "0.000000"
BLOOM_EYE_INERTIA = "750.000000"
GEOM_CORNER_SIZE = "0.010000"
GEOM_CORNER_SMOOTH = "200.000000"
DO_BEZEL = "1.000000"
BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM = "-0.156000"
BEZEL_FRAME_ZOOM = "0.066000"
DO_VIGNETTE = "1.000000"
V_SIZE = "1.080000"
DO_SPOT = "1.000000"
S_POWER = "0.050000"
DO_GLOBAL_SHZO = "1.000000"
GLOBAL_ZOOM = "0.500000"
ASPECT_X = "12.000000"```

@kokoko3k it looks great, thanks for the great shader presets.


Since the discussion about triple screen/ultrawide screens -> low Y resolution, I made a little change to the shader:

You can guess what it does, from docs-ng.md (bit lazy atm):

Use fake integer scanlines
   A negative value will cause the shader to choose when it is appropriate to activate them.
   The decision will be based on the ratio of output dimensions and the core.

The ratio has been set to 4.0, this means that if core scanlines have less than 4 screen pixel to draw themselves, they will switch to fake integer scanlines:


Screen height is enough, proper scanlines are selected:

Screen height is too low, fake scanlines are selected:

…the logic is skipped when integer scaling is used.
Also, be warned that in some cases even 4 lines are not enough to avoid moire.

I’m still unsure if that parameter has to be set to a negative value by default (so let the shader choose) or not, suggestions welcome!


There you go:

…you can select how much to stagger the odd lines, this is useful if you are using different horizontal masks:
for 2 or 4 sized masks (gm,rgbx,rbgx,wx) use 1.5
for 3 sized masks (gmx,rgb,rbg) use 1.0

The height parameter is mainly for higher resolution screens; for 1080p i’d leave it to 1.0, but i’ve found that you can have nice results, again, depending on the mask; eg: with 4 sized masks like rgbx or rbgx you can try to set this to 3.0, while with 2 sized masks, you can try 2.0.

I admit I started this mainly for MSDOS content, but indeed it looks nice even for arcades, so I made a new preset for low res content, named:

And another one for doublescanned/hires content (MSDOS) with an higher TVL (gm mask):Monitor-VGA-DoubleScan-ShadowMask.slangp


Thank you very much @kokoko3k. I highly appreciate the work you put into this feature.

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