I’d like to report that integer scale seems to be partially broken when the maximum value is set to an under scaled value. For example, I’m using a 1440P monitor and I normally use a 6x integer scale for maximum view port. The default maximum value is 10 and, in this case, it works as intended as the view port shows correctly in 6x integer scale.
When I set maximum value to something like 5 or 4, integer scale doesn’t work properly anymore. I noticed this only happens to games with smaller horizontal resolutions (e.g, 256x224). If it’s 320 x224, it works fine. When you play a game that switches resolution on the fly (Sega Genesis “Contra Hard Corps” for example), you can see the Konami animation isn’t scaled properly at the beginning of the game (uneven scanlines) when under scaled values are used, but as soon as you start playing the 1st stage, it switches back to the correct viewport again. Not sure if this is a valid bug or it’s something in my shader setting.