Koko-aio shader discussions and updates

This is possibly the new/tweaked gba preset instead; previous one was too bloomy, even there adding ghosting (about 2 frames)


GBA is looking great!

Game Gear looks nice as well but from the screens seems that the grid is not present/visible (sonic), last time I played on a real game gear was like '92 or '93 so I do not actually remember how the real thing was, just saying :sweat_smile:

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Thanks, indeed there is no grid in GG, strange, I was sure it had, maybe is a screenshot issue, will check tomorrow…

I’ve messed up the preset somehow, thanks for pointing it out!

Fixed and updated screenshots.


These look really good! :smiley:.

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I don’t think that’s real Asteroids hardware. It looks like AAE (Another Arcade Emulator).

I am confused about why do you think is not real hardware and if that is somehow related to the isolated points not glowing enough issue.

Did you receive your RP5 ? I’m curious about the preset you’re using for handheld and console like SNES/PSX I posted on the sbc reddit recently about your shader : https://www.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/1himf6o/for_those_who_fear_the_black_border_burn_in/

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Screenshot_20241221_170227 :angry:

It’s a matter of taste; lately on my seriously crippled s10 with exynos I’m using tv-pal-my-old for old consoles because ntsc is not something I remember (Europe/Pal for me), and scanlines weren’t really visible on my old TV:

For arcade games, being it an Amoled display like the retroid pocket 5, I’m pushing the brightness to the max and use Monitor-for_HigherNits; it is a very light preset since it relies on the display brightness, rather than the shader tweaks. It is lighter on the gpu because it just draws the mask and scanlines, still light on the battery use because on an amoled display what drains battery is the final brightness, not the brightness slider itself like on lcd screens.

I saw your post, but assuming the screen is inline with the test in this video, you don’t need to worry about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2FpG6M037E


if you’re still not convinced, and I can understand it, you should consider that the monitor frame itself will retain its color, so you can colorize it depending on the content by operating on the shader parameters as follows (notice the monitor border is not black anymore, but it is colored by the ambient light too):


I love how it looks, what mask are you using?



Nothing fancy… a shameless 80%rgb mask, 30%slotmask and scanlines.

Shake it well :slightly_smiling_face:

edit: assumed you were talking about arcade mask.


I am confused about why do you think is not real hardware and if that is somehow related to the isolated points not glowing enough issue.

I think it looks too perfect to be a recording of a real CRT, and the glow looks like AAE to my eyes.

I’ve been experimenting with rendering vector dots in https://github.com/mamedev/mame/pull/13116. The initial patch demonstrates a fake glow effect, but a commenter disapproved, so I switched to plain circles. However the circles are still brighter and rounder, so I think this code would be useful for making shaders look better.


I’m trying this on the Sony – Playstation 2 (LRPS) core And it flashes pink and a diagonal dividing line appears when using Koko Shaders, I tried with version 4.1 and the new one from github and the same thing happens with everything (I tried with almost all the presets)

Does it happen with other shaders or just with koko-aio? Any luck in switching from/to Vulkan/GLCore?

I tried with other shaders HSM and Uborder and only with Koko it happens to me.

I just tried with a much older version and it works fine, I don’t know what version it is but it is from the year 2023

Edit: I think it’s version 4.1


Ok, I need to setup the whole ps2 emulation envoronment to test this, it will take a while.

  • Are you using Vulkan?
  • What gpu?
  • what if you switch from/to GLCore?
  • please tell me all the core options so that I can reproduce.
  • Are you using Vulkan? In general Yes. Core option render: paraLLEI-GS
  • What gpu? Nvidia 3070 TI
  • what if you switch from/to GLCore? works
  • please tell me all the core options so that I can reproduce. When testing, it only happens when selecting in the video options of the Renderer core: paraLLEI-GS

I followed the recommended settings mentioned here:


Using other Renderer options I had no problems, it only happens with paraLLEI-GS

I can only confirm, because I have the same gpu. The problem only occurs with the paraLLEI-GS setting.

By the way, it looks like the LRPS2 (aka PCSX2) core has been significantly improved.

@kokoko3k are you planning a preset for ps2 games, or can you recommend one of the currently available ones? I prefer native resolution and the most faithful CRT image.

Weird, it seems it was an old bug in koko-aio, exposed just by that core with that options and in some games.

Good news is that I spotted and fixed it without issues; can you test the dev version?

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Hi there, I don’t think a new preset is needed, the existing ones aim to emulate just that, with interlacing and flickering.

First you won’t upscale from core.

If you want emulate good signal, check Presets-ng/Monitor-Screen_Hmask-Screen_Slotmask* presets.

(screenshot omitted because interlaced emulation content cannot be reproduced with a single frame)

Without visible scanlines, smoother, check: Presets-4.1/tv-slotmask* presets.

To emulate low quality TV/Signal, check Presets-4.1/tv-PAL-my-old.slangp