Koko-aio shader discussions and updates

Do you have problems with rotated games? If auto detection isn’t working for you, and it may happen with cores different from mame 2003 plus or fbneo, try to force 3/4 aspect ratio in the shader options.

Will give 3/4 a go. Thanks.

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If you pick up the koko-aio shaders from Github, you need to move the presets from the presets directory into the main directory. Then you need to correct the two BASE slangp’s in the first line (delete the … because they are now in the main directory). Then they work.

I can confirm from recent tests that Mame (current) rotates differently than MAME2003 and FBNeo

Quick question to @kokoko3k as regards koko-aio.slangp: If I do not want that the background artwork or the foreground artwork is repeated if the retroarch window size is larger … is there an alternative option to:
bg_under_wrap_mode = “mirrored_repeat”
bg_over_wrap_mode = “mirrored_repeat” ?
Because with Arcade Artwork as background/foreground, it would look nicer if the artwork just ends, but it not mirrored. Thanks!

…ends how? Border color? Black?

No way other than what you mentioned by now.

Maybe if i clamp the coordinates in the shader, I can make it repeat just the border (single pixel) without to much complexity added to the shader, that is screaming for mercy :slight_smile:

Would it be right for your use case? It would require the background to have a little black outline.

Nope, it is not necessary to edit anything; it just work as is.

Also, @MIKEBLK, yesterday i tested under d3d11 and it worked well; so either xboxs d3d11 is different from windows one, or you did some mistake trying it.

To have a black border that repeats itself would be a nice thing to try! :smiley:

That is a bit more complex, but i’ll think to something light anyway.

Meanwhile, what if it repeats the border color and you prior add a thin black outline with a paint program to the image instead?

Sorry, that‘s what I meant anyways: Adding a black border to the artwork, which is then repeated. That would be perfect and of course worth the small effort! And of course trying out other colors as well… On my part, if this works, no further efforts required …

Hi Kokoko3k, I was wondering if you ever thought about implementing in your shaders a variant with ScaleFX instead of FXAA. I understand very well that in terms of performance the shader would be more thoughtful, but graphically it is one of the best scalers ever and I think it does a better job than FXAA (which seems a bit blurry to me). It would be great if there was a future for this option. Thank you for your work and for sharing, I look forward to the next updates.

Sorry, but koko-aio is meant to recreate what made the crts so great (with some exceptions for what concerns their shortcomings), not to make games look great by changing the way they was intended to look.


Ok, I understand the intent, and it occurred to me to ask given the presence of the FXAA option in the package you created. Thank you always for what you do.

P.S. Do you have any news to give us for future updates of your schader?

You’re right, fxaa is borderline; but it is smart enough to do fine antialiasing where it is able to and a little blur when it is clueless; it does remind me of the look of consumer TVs, and is indeed used in the provided TV presets.

There are some interesting changes coming, you can see what i’ve worked on since 3.5 here:

I just need to stop adding things and release.


Honestly, I always turn on your FXAA option because I like the smooth factor, and effects while still giving a strong consumer CRT impression. Thank you and I’ll try this preliminary version that you shared right away.

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So, you have now an option to change the default wrap mode for the background/foreground image.

  • 0 Mirrored repeat because so is configured in main .slangp.
  • 1 Clamp to border and it means black.
  • 2 Clamp to edge and means that it repeats the edge color.
  • 3 Plain repeat without mirroring.

Many thanks, will test this on weekend.

Hi again, the new option ‘Clamp to border’ works very well. It is very helpful in cases where the artwork does not respect standard aspect ratio.

Here is another question on backdrops: In the enclosed screenshot, I have already applied a 0.2 transparancy on the backdrop, thus a lot of transparency. Still in the backdrop, it seems that the applied alpha transparency is not respected. The backdrop “shines”.

In comparison the backdrop in the finder:

Any ideas? Many thanks!