Hi All,
I made a python script which assembles presets to ease the process of putting together presets.
Basically normally to add extra passes to a preset you need to edit the numbers of all subsequent passes by hand which is really irritating and sometimes error prone.
The way it works is you put your preset shaders that you want to assemble somewhere relative to the script, then in the root folder where the python file is you create a .protoslangp file which just has references to those preset files.
You then need to run the file with python, so you will need to:
- install python,
- make sure python is in your system path
- Run the script by going to the command prompt
- Run the following
python c:/mypathhere/mega_preset_assembler.py
The package has an example .protoslang in it that can be generated a builds a preset with mdapt, GTU, grade & Guest-DrVenom