Odroid XU4 can't get past flower screen

I hadn’t used my Odroid XU4 since July and loaded up the newest Lakka release. It turns on and displays the flower logo, but gets stuck there. It worked back then, so I tried loading an older image from around May when I first got it, but that didn’t work either.

Has anyone else had trouble? What should I try next? Is it a hardware problem?

Hello, I never hard this trouble.

You can try this image http://le.builds.lakka.tv/OdroidXU3.arm/

(It works only on SD card.)

That worked perfectly! Thank you!

What was the difference between that and what I got from the “Get” section on the Lakka site?

The builds at http://le.builds.lakka.tv/ are bêta builds, for the next version of Lakka, which will be based on LibreELEC instead of OpenELEC.

Thanks again for clearing that up. I’ll keep that bookmarked.

hello i downloaded it too, just to have a look, and i flashed on an old sd card, will be the possibility in future to flash it on emmc instead o sd? it is damn slow! :slight_smile:

Yes, the current problem with eMMC is about block0, the block that is not accessible when you use an eMMC to SD adapter. If you buy an eMMC from hardkernel, the block0 is already flashed with u-boot, and you can then use the eMMC to SD adapter to flash an image. However, the current image is only compatible with SD. We can generate another one for eMMC easily though.

Which of the images should be downloaded? I’ve tried a few so far for the XU3 and they all stop at the flower :(. I’m using an XU4 as well.

You need to use this image http://le.builds.lakka.tv/OdroidXU3.arm/Lakka-OdroidXU3.arm-2.0-rc3.img.gz on SD card.

Well, just to spread the info, it’s not a Flower, it’s a Lakka Berry ^^


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The way I do this is I have a microSD card with ubuntu MATE on it, and I boot the XU4 with that, and flash the eMMC natively with the Lakka image, instead of using an adapter.

hello @Kivutar, could you please generate an rc4 image for emmc? thank you very much :slight_smile:

It would only work on an eMMC from hardkernel, because of the sector 0.

Ok, i bought all from a hardkernel official reseller, let me give it a try :slight_smile:


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no luck :’( thanks anyway for the effort!

I just wanted to mention I’m having the same issue. I tried to load RC3, RC5, and Plain Version 2 from april 24th. I’ve used this system a million times on my Rpi3 without issues. I’m using the XU4 now.

When using emmc there is no video so I’m not sure how far it makes it.

When using the Sd card every version hangs on the lakka flower. Never boots up.

try to completely remove the emmc module from odroid, this worked to me

@Yurif74 is right, having the eMMC there can change the order of the partitions and prevent Lakka to boot

Hi Kivutar, I have flashed this image to my emmc by XU4 (run Ubuntu mate on micro sd on XU4) Rebooting on emmc, the blue light solid with no action for a long time. How could i flash image file to emmc from ubuntu?