RetroGames4K's Mega Bezel screen pics, gameplays & custom settings

thank you. I think that will allow more people to enjoy your settings.


Sometimes it’s better to teach people how to fish than to try to spoonfeed the world.

Sorry, I don’t know what this expression means. My English sometimes is limited. What does it mean?:sweat_smile:

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It’s just my take on a famous quote that goes something like,

“If you give a man a fish, you might feed him for a day but if you teach him how to fish he can feed himself for a lifetime.”

Let me know if you get the meaning this time.


If I could offer a suggestion it would be to only distribute your pack, but to tell the user which release of the Mega Bezel you want them to use.

All past releases are available on github. You can even give a path directly to the release you want them to use.



What shader are you using for the actual mask?

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This is Mega Bezel Shader with mask 12. Right now I’m not at home so I can’t remember exactly wich one I use of the base settings inside Mega Bezel. What I know, it is a ntsc version. Soon I’m at home I’ll tell which base setting is. But remember this, what you see is my custom setting. So I’m still working on it. Trying to improve my settings and by time I will upload my settings. Right now I have only 2 console settings, but It will get better with time and upload more console settings with time. You can download them to try them on the top of this post if you want.

Thanks for the info. I’ve been using it, but it’s very heavy. It actually made my gpu fans spin up a bit. I noticed a lot of shaders in the preset. I see you’re combining smoothing shaders with crt? It’s an interesting look though and I think that bezel could grow on me, but I’m really interested in that slot mask

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I understand, the mask is mask 12. I will upload settings with time, I will make for 1080p also. What you can do is switch off the reflections and something related to the frame. There are a lot of settings, also for less powerful Pc’s, also I can make an upload settins for @guest.r crt shaders so it won’t impact your PC performance, but I need some time. There are also potato settings for pc performance.

This is because a base setting in mega bezel. What I only do, is to make a custom setting based on the base settings folder in Mega Bezel. I don’t add anything, I just grab one of those settings and make my custom setting. My main goal is to copy my real Sanyo CRT so it looks similar or at least close as I can. It still work in progress through. Sorry for my English, sometimes I don’t express very well, It’s my second language.

No problem, i understand you perfectly. I’ll have a play with the settings. Thanks

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Thank you for those screens, they always attracted me because of the sharpness and naked look.

I’m just starting to explore oled and hidpi resolutions as well, so I used them as a grounded reference!

On what kind of display and brightness configuration do you use them?

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Thank you, I’m trying my best😀 It’s a 27" LG 4K RGB IPS LCD display monitor, I think is about 300nits monitor. It has HDR, but I switch it off in Retroarch. The brightness Is set to 70% of max, I like it this way or my eyes hurt with too much brightness.