RetroGames4K's Mega Bezel screen pics, gameplays & custom settings




CRT vs Shader






Everything looks good but these newer 1080p screenshots seem a bit more “bloomy” compared to some of your older stuff. So instead of the phosphors producing the brightness and colour via RGB you can see the pixels in between the phosphors shining through with the colours that are supposed to be generated by the RGB phosphors exclusively.

As a matter of fact the bloom in the red was the giveaway for me in your last CRT vs Shader comparison.

Now this is completely fine if you’re fine with it of course.

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CRT vs Shader comparison, these where made in my computer in 4k. The recent ones are from mobile phone. That’s why I’m saying that I’m testing. So configs are quite different. But I’m still tweaking :sweat_smile:


I see. You can also test 1080p as well as 1440p presets “natively” on your 4K screen if you disable scaling and switch the desktop to whatever resolution you’re testing.

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Are you ready to provide the official answer as to which was the CRT and which was the Shader?

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The CRT is my Sanyo as always😅 and the shader is STD version, no ntsc, and it’s not a smooth version. I think is STD n°3

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First is image is my sanyo CRT on the Pal sega Saturn, and the second image is STD n°3

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Sorry, for this you mean I don’t have to use saturation, halation glow and bloom? All that off? I used those in the which is wich crt and shaders comparison, maybe in 1080p on mobile phone doesn’t work the same…:thinking:

Firstly, don’t take my comment as a complaint, it’s merely an observation. Also, it should be taken in the context of the comparison to a real CRT. All of those settings try to help provide a CRT look but the methods don’t mimic the behavior of a real CRT. From a distance they are hardly noticeable but from up close, especially to a trained eye the image ends up looking more different from a real CRT the more those kinds of settings are used.

So it’s completely fine to use but if you want to achieve parity or near parity with a CRT under all viewing conditions then you have to try to use those settings in such a way that they’re not easily visible upon close up/zoomed in scrutiny. Also, it’s specifically halation, glow and bloom that are culprits in slightly different ways out of your list.

Some settings look different depending on the resolution.

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The first is crt and second is shader, the second photo I know the slotmask is a bit misaligned I messed up a bit with slotmask mitigation , but the shaders are the same settings I used on which is which thread, and the same I tried to replicate on mobile phone that’s why maybe looks more gloomy on phone :sweat_smile:

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