RetroGames4K's Mega Bezel screen pics, gameplays & custom settings

I’ve experienced this before but I think it only happens if you accidentally create a reference chain loop where you reuse the filename of a preset that the preset you just saved was dependent on.

There are 2 ways I avoid this. The first is to always add a unique number after I make an edit while I’m in development mode.

The other is to save as a Game, Core or Directory Preset temporarily until I’m finished tweaking.

I can then just edit the reference path in the Game, Core or Directory Preset I’ve made and add the preset to my pack.

This method never seems to break the way that manually saving as the same filename can sometimes.


Thanks, I’ll give it a try. :grinning: Here is my mega drive preset, I think is a bit off, my last preset looks better and sharper, This seems to look a bit off now for me, soon I will upload the new version. But here you are…

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
GAMMA_INPUT = "2.250000"
gamma_out = "2.350000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "2.000000"
HSM_CROP_MODE = "1.000000"
HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_RES = "224.000000"
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "0.000000"
HSM_SCALEFX_ON = "1.000000"
bogus_color = "1.000000"
CP = "3.000000"
ntsc_sat = "1.250000"
ntsc_phase = "3.000000"
ntsc_scale = "0.560000"
ntsc_fields = "1.000000"
ntsc_sharp = "-9.500000"
spike = "1.900000"
m_glow = "1.000000"
bloom = "0.100000"
bloom_dist = "2.650000"
halation = "-0.075000"
gamma_c = "0.850000"
shadowMask = "12.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"
slotmask = "1.000000"
slotmask1 = "1.000000"
slotwidth = "7.000000"
double_slot = "3.000000"
smoothmask = "1.000000"
smask_mit = "0.100000"
dctypex = "0.750000"
dctypey = "0.750000"
deconrr = "-1.250000"
deconrg = "-0.500000"
deconrb = "1.250000"
deconrry = "1.250000"
deconrgy = "-0.500000"
deconrby = "-1.250000"
dcscalemode = "1.000000"
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Experimental Gamma:


Experimental Gamma:


When you create a masterpiece, why throw it away afterwards?

I can tell that there’s a lot of experimental stuff going on here.

I was actually expecting to be able to try the presets that you used to make those amazing screenshots that you’ve been sharing.


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What do you mean? I haven’t thrown nothing away. I still have the preset. I’m aware not erasing my content. :thinking:

If you mean my last screenshots yes, I’m just playing with gamma, and changed from mask bloom to bloom. Just to try wich one looks better, but I’m not going to erase nothing. What I’m going to do, is make a screenshot with the old mega drive preset, and then with the new one, with the same game, and see how they look.

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Which ones of those amazing screenshots you are mentioning do you like?, It’s to make me an Idea… :thinking:

Look here are the screenshots from golden axe, I remember the one you liked most and was made with the old mega drive setting.

Old uploaded Mega Drive setting:

Last uploaded Mega Drive setting:

Working on third Release candidate, not yet finished, as I’m doubting about gamma and all that stuff that always gives me a headache :cold_sweat: :

PCEngine setting :stuck_out_tongue:

And the experimental one you said, nothing to worry about:

The experimental one is for testing gamma and all that, I know it’s looks odd, but it’s to test gamma, not like if I’ve thrown my settings away.

As a help you can give me an opinion of these screenshots, if you like the older settings most in terms of gamma and all that, then I’ll work as a based in one of them only working on sharpness.

And other thing I need help, How do I convert Normal preset into simple preset? If I save now into simple preset, settings don’t come out, only a line that points a reference to the normal preset.

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I was referring to your older presets which were good for example the SNES Super Double Dragon preset. I wasn’t sure if those were included in the pack.

Here, I was referring to the preset you shared, not your screenshots.

I wasn’t referring to any particular screenshot. Just most of them that you’ve posted, which I’ve clicked “Like” on.

I don’t see why it should especially since you have a real CRT TV to use as a reference. That should make things much easier in terms of where to stop.

The thing with screenshots is that they don’t always translate to what you actually see on the screen. That’s why I wanted to load up the presets and give them a try but I probably should wait until you create a whole family of presets because I only saw Mega Drive, N64 and 1080p CRT-Guest-Advanced Arcade Presets but I wanted to play and test SNES, PC-Engine and NES Games and recreate the experience of your now famous Super Double Dragon screenshot but I wasn’t able to.

So it feels like what I’ve been seeing in the screenshots over the past few months is not yet available in the pack.

If you save a preset and you’re only seeing the reference line with no parameters that probably means that no settings were changed.

To convert Full Presets to Simple Presets you first need to extract all of the Shader Parameters which should be located near the bottom of the preset. It would contain settings for all the parameters not just the ones you changed.

Then you can simply add a reference line at the top that points to the base Mega Bezel Reflection Shader Preset that you started with or it could point to whatever personal preset you started with or saved along the way to arriving at those settings.

If you want to simplify the now converted preset you can manually remove redundant lines of Parameters or Parameters you know you didn’t change or would like to be inherited from a previous preset in the chain.

A file comparison tool might be good for this purpose.

I use WinMerge.

So don’t stress yourself out too much over these things. Just have fun. Don’t let it become work because everyone else would end up enjoying your labour but yourself, who might never be fully satisfied.


Ok. Thanks for the aclaration. As my English sometimes is limited, I understand things in other way and sometimes I confuse words. By the way, my release candidate settings are close what my CRT looks like. After the release candidate pics on the other thread, I’m going to test the snes version with double dragon and if you like it, I’ll post snes settings as well as a surprise. In that sense if you have a snes maybe you can help. If not just I like your opinion :grin:


Ok here it is, Release candidate for snes:

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Neo Geo Release Candidate 2



Mega Bezel photos from mobile phone camera:

Directly from megabezel snapshot:



En mi monitor me sale el shader demasiado oscuro, pero no sé bien qué parámetros tocar…¿puedes indicarme qué parámetros tocar? A lo mejor no es sólo uno y lo que hago es empeorarlo, jeje.

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Si te refieres por las ultimas imágenes que he puesto son en 4k, y aún no he subido esta configuración. Pronto lo haré, estoy dando los últimos retoques. Si estás usando el de 1080p prueba de subir el gamma a 1.30 o algo asi. Aparte la configuración de 1080p necesito retocarlo, esta un poco desalineado.

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