Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor

@MajorPainTheCactus - Thank you for the reshade version of this!! I’m trying out With PCSX2. I’m not seeing the auto HDR doing anything than look like hdr isn’t supported, but is on - it’s that classic washed out “I don’t support HDR”-kind of look. SDR (with monitor’s hdr on)

HDR (with monitor’s hdr on)

fyi I’m using this monitor

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This user had a similar issue and it had something to do with ReShade not being up to date.

Thanks for the response - I’m using the latest 6.1.1 so I should be up to date

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for pcsx2 you want the lilium version of autohdr and lilium’s inverse tonemapping shader

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Interesting - I might give that a try too, though the only reason I wanted HDR was to work well with things like the Megatron shader which is supposed to use the AutoHdr component. I’m not sure how the megatron CRT emulation shader would play with an external HDR shader (I’m very new to reshade, CRT emulation shaders, and HDR😅)

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you still use it with sony megatron, their autohdr shader is a fork of major pain’s original one, but you’ll set megatron to sdr because the inverse tonemapping shader is doing the tonemapping

make sure the shaders are in the right order. autohdr will say it’s not working, ignore that. if inverse tonemapping says all that about scRGB it’s working.

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Ohhh! It seems that my add-on are not loading. Thanks for your screenshots. I can’t seem to get my addons to load, and I cant change these one’s order. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious… but can’t place it

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Have a read of this:

Also this:

not sure but I have my addons in their own folder to help me keep things straight. as an example:

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Ok - i thought the link you shared had everything in it including the addons, didn’t realize the addon github page was a different look. I’ve got the 64bit loading for pcsx2. Unfortunately it seems to not know that HDR is on - not sure why as HDR is definitely showing as on for that monitor. ?

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Oh! Cyber already answered my question. it’s a bug, but it should “still work”

But I am getting stuck still on why my lilium’s tone mapping won’t load like you’s was

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Is your death to pixels reshade preset only for TMNT? Or is it general enough it can be used for anything? I was originaly planning on using your presets - thank you for your work.

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Yes, they are and they include a couple presets for other games too for example, “The Messenger”.

They’re a bit long in the tooth though and were made for an old version of the GDV Re-Shade port.

The user has to manually set the 2 resolution settings correctly for each game.

The stuff found here is way more advanced than those though. You might even be better off with the updated CRT-Guest-Advanced Re-Shade port using default settings.

You’re welcome and I thank @guest.r, @MajorPainTheCactus, Lilium, @Dogway, @HyperspaceMadness, trogglemonkey and all the other CRT Shader developers who made this possible.

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see where it says currently allowed override “CSP_SCRGB” type that into the csp_override box

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I recently picked up a OD-OLED Alienware AW3225QF, is there any adjustments to help with the unusual subpixel layout?

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No, there shouldn’t be any need to either. The creator of the shader has a Samsung QD-OLED TV and he says he only sees a “little bobble” but other than that it looks fine.

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Hi, Cyber. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I was thinking about transparency for the RGB masks, like Guest’s shader. Is that possible with this shader?


No, Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor aims to simulate the appearance and functionality of the CRT’s RGB Phosphors and Mask by aligning the RGB subpixels of a modern-day display with the simulated subpixel mask then using a brute force method of shining as much light from the display as possible through these simulated phosphors and mask in a manner that’s as close as possible to how a CRT would have functioned. There are no additional subpixels being activated or at least in theory there shouldn’t have been in order to achieve this end.

To make the Mask translucent and have the base colour mixed in with the phosphor colours is not the way things would be done on a CRT and if done so in Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor would take things in a direction of looking less like a CRT.

The close-up photos of Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor in the first post are evidence of the soundness of this concept.

I’m not sure if I asked this before but why not use CRT-Guest-Advanced or other shaders if you’re not after an as accurate as possible simulation of the RGB phosphors and mask down to the phosphor level (which by the way, CRT-Guest-Advanced can also do)?

You can even use HDR with almost any other shader through RetroArch’s built-in HDR Support or through other means like Windows 11’s AutoHDR or Lilium’s Tonemapping plus Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor’s AutoHDR for ReShade.


Do I understand correctly that in order to use these presets, you need to download the Reshade program or how to download them? If anything, I use Sony 40 W905A as a monitor. True, this of course is not HDR TV and 1080 p.

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No, just the one dennis1 was showing pics of. The normal megatron shaders are included with the shaders that come with RetroArch.