Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor

Hmm that’s obviously wrong! You are using RetroArch V1.10? What make and model is your monitor?

I’m on RetroArch 1.10. HDR enabled on Windows 10 and RetroArch. My monitor is a Qled Samsung Qn90a. (It says my TV’s gamma is st.2084)

I’ve noticed the settings in Display:HDR do nothing when I have the SonyPVMHDR shader on. If I change to QuestVenom or no shader it has a profound effect on the display.

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Yes that’s right as my shader is a HDR shader and so overrides all the HDR stuff - apart from enable hdr.

Ok so maybe I do need to provide paper white luminance again. Can you do an experiment for me (or you might know already) with the stock shader and using RA Display:HDR settings what paper white, peak luminance and contrast settings do you need to use to make the image look normal as in not super saturated as yours is.

Start with paper white 200, peak 1000, contrast 5. Thanks

So I had a look at your monitors settings and there are a few options to play about with: Settings->Picture->Expert Settings: Gamma, Colour Space Settings, Contrast, (also you might want to play around with Local Dimming but shouldn’t cause the issues you are seeing). Let me know these settings.

Also it looks as though there is a Settings->General->External Device Manager->Game Mode Settings->Game HDR you might try playing around with.

Get the stock shader looking right then we can look at this shader with similar settings.

EDIT: actually maybe just Contrast underneath my shaders parameters settings needs tweaking?

EDIT 2: ok wow looking at R-Tings your monitor goes SUPER bright! This is probably why your having issues. Let me know paper white and peak settings and play around with Contrast in the shader params settings. I noticed this also on R-Tings:

The EOTF follows the target PQ curve fairly well, but the overall image looks brighter than it should be. If you still find it too dim, then set Contrast Enhancer to ‘High’ and ST.2084 to its max. This results in a noticeably brighter image, as you can see in this EOTF.

I’d set contrast enhancer to off for the time being, Also play around with that ST2048 setting - although that’s probably similar to Contrast in RA Display:HDR or of using my HDR shader Contrast in the Shader Params.

I’m very keen to see this working on your monitor it should be able to simulate all kinds of CRTs!

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This may or may not be relevant but I notice on your pictures RGB in Randi’s eyes; BGR in @BendBombBoom 's pic. Might be a mask issue.

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You’re right although I’m not sure this is @BendBombBoom problem as he’s got a super bright display that I haven’t accounted for when setting paper white luminance to peak luminance. I think @BendBombBoom will need this separated back out and to play with the contrast setting in the shader. I’m going to add paper white luminance back in.


i had this problem before, sometimes running it windowed mode fixed it. Sometimes HDR turned off in retroarch full screen for some reason.

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Does having two screens attached cause this problem. Does the driver make a difference: D3D11, D3D12 and Vulkan are all supported now.

I think @BendBombBoom problem is that he’s got an incredibly high end display in terms of brightness and he probably needs the ability to tune it down a bit - but not sure.

Maybe if he tests another shader – a well-known one like @guest.r’s shader or lottes’ shader – and reports back we can troubleshoot whether it’s an issue with his settings or the HDR shader. Samsung QLEDs are bright buy they make a lot of dubious decisions when it comes to gamma, etc. per hdtvtest’s channel

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Probably the stock shader is best for this at first, no need to complicate things yet.



else if (Shadowmask == 5.0)

    vec4 Mask = vec4(MaskDark,MaskDark,MaskDark,1.0);

    if (fract(x.x/4.0)<0.5)   
        {if (fract(x.y/3.0)<0.666)  {if (fract(x.x/2.0)<0.5) Mask=vec4(MaskLight,MaskDark,MaskLight,1.0); else Mask=vec4(MaskDark,MaskLight,MaskDark,1.0);}
        else Mask;}
    else if (fract(x.x/4.0)>=0.5)   
        {if (fract(x.y/3.0)>0.333)  {if (fract(x.x/2.0)<0.5) Mask=vec4(MaskLight,MaskDark,MaskLight,1.0); else Mask=vec4(MaskDark,MaskLight,MaskDark,1.0);}
        else Mask;}

return Mask;



Paper White Luminance looks best at 300 with a stock shader. 200 is a little over saturated. 400 looks good but I lose contrast in the brights. Peak Luminance can bump up the brightness a little but it’s impact is insignificant.

Adjusting any of the TV settings listed above tweak things a small bit but the overall image with the shader remains dulled.

Changing to windowed mode, toggling HDR on and off, D3D11 vs Vulkan had no change.

GuestVenom looks as it should. Other games using HDR look correct.

During my testing I bounced back to your previous version of the shader and I was able to vary the image much more and get closer results. Either I had too dark an image or too dulled. Maybe it’s a gamma?

I appreciate everyone’s help and suggestions. If anyone knows of some kind of HDR test video I can run let me know.

I have a 3080 if that makes any difference. I have a laptop with a 3050ti and with Window 11 that I tested on my Qn90a. While I can get the HDR option to show up in RetroArch D3D11 the entire interface is dulled and my TV says it’s not in HDR mode even though everything is turned on. (I didn’t expect it to work but I wanted to try.)

Good evening! So today I had a bit of spare time being in isolation due to COVID (we’re all fine!) and decided to rework my shader to also support slot and shadow masks (I’m keeping the shader separate still)

This is my first attempt and I think its looking pretty good so far!

Note that the CRT photo is a from a friend who I think used his iPhone and so will be using all sorts of settings and post processing. You can see this in the clipping in the whites of his eyes etc. Also there seems to be distinct strips down the middle of the phosphors that I cant tell are due to the camera settings or are part of the display.

If someone has an standardised shot of a slot mask TV then please post it on this thread (I really need photos to do this work!):

Anyway here is the side by side please let me know what you think!

CRT Photo: iPhone: Auto Settings

LCD Photo: OnePlus 8 Pro Camera: Pro Mode, ISO 200, WB 5000K, Aperture Speed 1/60, about 10cm from the screen, 48MPixel JPEG.


I deleted my retroarch.cfg and that has changed things. Display:HDR settings look correct with a stock shader and Paper Luminance value of 40.

I need to test more things now. Sony PVM HDR still looks washed out but is behaving closer to what is expected.

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Wow thats low - what do you have your contrast and peak luminance set to? For the stock shader that is.

Peak Luminance is at 1000. Moving it up or down doesn’t change much. If I throw Guest Venom on I keep the paper white at 200.

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Let this be a graveyard of my failings. I discovered that the image viewer does not display screenshots in HDR space. HDR games look good at Display:HDR Paper Luminance of 200.

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@BendBombBoom great stuff we’re making progress. If you get my latest shader (as of last night) you should see paper white is back in the shader parameters. Be careful with Contrast though as it behaves slightly differently to the one in the menu - it’s an offset from around 5.25 i.e if you set the contrast to 4 in the menu then the contrast in my shader should be set to -1.25.

Also your TV should be able to go higher on a local level I’d set Peak to 1540.

For my shader I’d recommend for your display Is recommend peak 1500, paper white 700+ and then play around with Contrast until it looks right.

Did you not see that I already posted this pattern as well as a close up photo using this pattern? This isn’t a great one to use because it greatly exaggerates the black spaces between triads.

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