Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

No problem man.

In the meantime you can use DSR (nVIDIA) or VSR (AMD) to give you a very close approximation of how it would look at 4K. The geometry and scaling of the Shader effects and graphics would look exactly the same as if you were using an actual 4K display.

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I didn’t even know what that was. I guess I will have to read about it a little first.

Edit: Gave it a quick try and it does look the same at 1080p and 4k. With what I have done, I am going to rescale each individual style used and have them as params. It seems rescaling mitigates the scale that CyberLab presets cause by default (ie check out NES CyberLab Stripe).

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I think I have the CyberLab scaling down, not the preset settings specifically. I will be able to add them to the repo within the next few days.

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I had the idea to add Tube settings to OrionsAngel’s Realistic Arcade presets. The settings have been added to the repo.


I had to do some yard work for the past couple of days. I will be able to start the CyberLab presets now.

Resolution Info is going to come in handy.

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I will be trying to do OrionsAngel’s SSX Tricky Game Themed overlay presets today.

Definitely figured out the scaling now. It should go easier and if I feel up to it, I should be able to get them done by tomorrow.

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I thought to do individual releases of the CyberLab presets to prevent it from being tedious. The 4x3 presets have been added to the repo.

Edit: Found problems with the Viewport Zoom and thought increasing maskautothreshold without int_scale_mode was better.


Presets to OrionsAngel’s SSX Tricky Overlay have added to the repo.


I have added OrionsAngel’s SSX Tricky Alt Overlay presets to the repo and fixed some of the settings from the standard Overlay.

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The 16x9 CyberLab presets have been added to the repo. I also went ahead and renamed the params files to get set up for CyberLab naming.

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I found a proper solution to CyberLab Moire by only changing Int_Scale_Mode. The weird thing was to turn on no_scanlines; I tested multiple cores and games. I added the files to the repo this morning.

The Mask is looking a bit strange in this screenshot. It’s supposed to be either RGB or RBG in groups of 3 phosphors.

Unless you’re using some custom mask settings like Mask Width for example or if there’s a bug in the original preset.


Checking multiple resolutions it still looks the same. I didn’t change any of the settings in the presets.

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It could have something to do with the Mask Size, Slot Mask Size or Slot Mask Width/Thickness.

This is how they’re supposed to look at their Optimized resolutions as well as the correct Slot Mask Width Settings for each of them.

If using let’s say the 1440p or 1080p Optimized presets at 4K, I don’t think the structure is supposed to look like that. It’s still supposed to look RGB/RBG in groups of the 3 colours.

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@Cyber, I think the problem was that I was using the wrong Optimized preset with DSR. The previous picture shows DSR at 4K with the 1080p Optimized preset, once I set the resolution back to 1080p without DSR it looks fine.

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Okay, I just checked the preset. The problem isn’t anything you did it’s because the preset uses Auto Mask Size. It really needs to remain at Mask size 1. Auto changes it to 2 when the resolution is at 4K.

This the reason why this happens.

So, this is something that I’ll try to fix as soon as I get a chance.

This is also why my moire mitigation suggestion probably didn’t work for you using this preset leading you to resort to disabling scanlines to resolve it.

When I fix the preset all of that should work as described as well.

You can go ahead and make the change for yourself in the meantime though. Just change the Mask Size from 0 to 1.

I’m not sure if the Slot Mask Thickness being on 0 (Auto) might also lead to similar issues.

I might have originally left the 1080p_Optimized Mask Size at 0 as a holdover from when I used to use Mask 6 Size 2 in my 4K_Optimized Aperture Grill Preset and left it at 0 so that they could’ve been more scalable.

Ultimate Slot Mask was my first Slot Mask Preset so that’s another reason why it might have remained in there.

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Thanks @Cyber. Changing the Mask Size to 1 fixed the issue.

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You’re welcome! Looks great!

Don’t forget to turn the Scanlines back on. Based on my testing you shouldn’t be getting any moire with this combination at 4K. I haven’t tested any high res stuff though.

I really don’t have as much time on my hands to work on presets nor play games like before so I’m glad to see stuff I’ve worked on being used in this manner to help enhance other projects. The scariest part is that things change so fast in shader and softwareland that I could only imagine what might happen if I decided to go A.W.O.L. for a while.

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I am going to be placing all the Mega Bezel presets’ paths that Console Arcade uses in a params file. I want to do this to cut down on how many preset files there are (ie, PS2 has 4200 and will be cut to 140). It will be essentially the same way as boilerplate, where the path that is wanted is not commented out.

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Thinking about what to do with the CyberLab presets, I decided to have Console Arcade designs seperate for CyberLab. The designs would be just simple changes and in params like the other settings are now. They will be organized by their being Mega Bezel and CyberLab folders.

These things shouldn’t take too long to do.

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