Koko-aio shader discussions and updates

Cool. I have the version available in the RetroArch online update. When downloading from GitHub more files come. Can you explain to me how I do the installation?

Pixelated look? Wouldn’t it become more smooth looking since those pixels are being blended? That’s the look I went for with my composite ntsc “2phase” shader presets my shader preset pack.

I understand about keeping the shader as light as possible, I was messing around a few days ago adding in both the scalefx and xbrz freescale shader on my presets for a smoother upscaled image, it came out looking excellent but then my system couldn’t handle it so I ended up scraping the whole idea, for now at least.

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Either you wait a bit for them to come in Retroarch, or you can grab the 3.5 release from github and unpack it somewhere in your -already in place- slang shaders folder.

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wops, missed that very same screenshot on sonic 2, looks really nice indeed, and what a nice research on 2/3 phase systems, very informative!

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Thank you, I plan on releasing a new updated shader pack real soon (this week hopefully) that looks even smoother and vibrant, can’t wait to release it on you all soon lol. And yeah, I sum up the 2-phase and 3-phase ntsc system as one being vertical rainbow/artifact/more blended effects (2-phase) and one being diagonal rainbow/artifact effects/less blended (3-phase).


Wow! This changelog reads like my wishlist from a year ago!

This is amazing performance! Have to give this a try sometime. I guess no one has to be left out of the high quality CRT emulation experience even with Bezel Reflections included!

This is some motivation right here to finally replace my broken laptop screen’s hinge.

When I see output like this. I think retirement.

Great work!


Thank you, but I’m not saying the gpu usage is 7%, I meant it went up by that versus the previous release, lol! On that igpu it reaches abput 90fps so the gpu usage stays around 65% for 60fps/240p content at 1080p.

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I understood this. However this is still the first time that I’m learning that this brilliant piece of work runs on an IGP, hence my pleasant surprise and elation, despite the performance regression.

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Hi kokoko3k , congrats on your awesome update, it’s quite a leap forward in terms of quality and beauty. I loved being able to choose the style of slotmask I prefer, and while you’ve seen higher CPU usage, personally the performance for what you offer is still outstanding. Congratulations and thank you very much for your work. I think you’ve peaked by now, I can’t imagine what else you could work on with this shader. Top!

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Truly excellent shader, especially considering the quality vs performance. A quick questions: I use a modified version of CRT-Universal for most of my imaging needs (vignette, colour, blurring) - is there a chance I can just insert this as a pass within your shader to use it with some of your features (background, bezel, mask)?

Hello, sorry for the off topic, but this CRT Universal is interesting, where can I find the latest version please? thank you

There should be a link to it in that first post itself…

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, to keep performance at a good level, koko-io is very “tight”, this means that inserting external passes or even include it in other shaders is not a straightforward task, sorry. I’ve looked to the shader you posted, and i think you can play with koko-aio settings to look similar to it.

@kokoko3k ciao!

first, great job with your shader!

I wanted to try your pal preset but it doesn’t shows up with the online updater (I’m on windows). Is it still in the process to be added?

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With Saturn’s Kronos core it feels like my PC is emulating a brick, and using your monitor-slotmask shader, with FXAA enabled and RGB editing disabled, warp disabled, and slotmask number 02, this is the result and I love it. 60 FPS fixed. Moreover, FXAA compared to Super XBR manages to interpolate even the elements of games such as Marvel VS Capcom 2 for example, which with its strange different internal resolutions between 3D and 2D fails to be correctly interposed. Great job kokoko3k.


Now together with the Super XBR GDV your shader is my safe haven to emulate a little bit of everything with a good result, plus yours is extremely featherweight in terms of performance. Heartfelt thanks for your work.


Yes, sorry. I’ll try to get it merged tomorrow, by now you can grab the 3.5 release from github and unpack it somewhere in your -already in place- slang shaders folder.

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since koko aio is meant to emulate lores content as its main goal, the very first pass scales everything to 2x.

Unfortunately the scale parameter is fixed in retroarch, so I couldn’t made it variable if the source content was already hires, this was one of the first problems i faced, and decided to go for 2x.

That said, on cores with an higher native resolution, I think you can safely set the first pass scale to 1x and gain a lot of performance without any quality loss.

Let me know if it is the case!


For the moment everything is perfect, your shader being able to perform well with poorly optimized and heavy cores. Essentially some of my problems are related to cores. But your shader is perfect for me. The only thing I’ve just noticed, compared to the HSM Mega Bezel as a yardstick, is that when I turn off the curvature, small black side bands remain, this when I use your bezel version, otherwise with the basic version of course no problem about it. Your work is pure gold, thank you for what you do :smiley: