Greetings @hgoda90.
Just wanted to share some tips of how I was able to integrate my presets, without moire patterns while maintaing curvature and not having to resort to using Fake Scanlines.
I will also share the method I used to scale the image to fit the overlay. I started off with integer scale mode set to 0 and use Bezel Independent Scale to fit the viewport to the overlay but I subsequently was able to switch back integer scale mode to 1 and used the Integer Scale Offset setting in order to get the viewport to fit the bezel. Take a look below.
Moire pattern mitigation techniques:
- enable GDV Noise
- reduce Scanline Saturation
- increase Scanline Gamma Offset
- decrease Scanline Falloff
- Integer Scale helps
- larger viewport also helps
- less curvature
- lower mask strength
- lighter scanlines also help
In my opinion, fake scanlines should be a last resort. At that point it might be better to just disable scanlines altogether and use a strong mask pattern alone. Very light scanlines plus appropriate mask strength settings should also get the job done.
Enabling Fake Scanlines results in misaligned scanlines and graphics.
This is just to demonstrate why you probably don’t need to resort to using Fake Scanlines at this point but of course to each his own. There’s no moire in any of these images even though curvature settings have been reset to default. GDV Noise was turned off before taking screenshots. That setting being On reduces the appearance of moire patterns even more.
Click on the links Load full Resolution. Right Click. Open in new Tab or Window. Click to Zoom. F11 for Fullscreen…

These are the settings I used to get the screen to fit the background graphics while maintaining Int. Scale:
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"