CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

hi Cyber. I’d like to share my PS1 and Dreamcast presets with you. I adjusted the shader parameters based off your preset CyberLab_PSX_Composite_CyberTron_Neo-GX

Okay, well feel to post it in the thread. You can select everything and then click on the icon that says pre-formatted text. It might be a good idea to include an accompanying screenshot as well.

I had to convert the png images to jpg. to reduce the size. i had HDR turned on in retroarch so the colors look a little washed out from the screenshot but in game the saturation is up a little

yeah i just checked and the screen shots got the color wrong because of hdr. the color was more vibrant on my screen. I liked the regular 4k psx composite preset but it was having trouble getting rid of vertical lines and squares in fmv’s especially resident evil 2. then I tried the neo gx psx composite preset and that helped with the fmvs but it was a little dull in color even with hdr

When I wrote this, I was thinking that you might only post one or maybe two, possibly three screenshots in order to convey to myself and other users what the preset looks like. I really couldn’t fathom that you would post or attempt to post more than 55 screenshots!

I can understand the enthusiasm and excitment around wanting to share these works of art but this number of screenshots will have the effect of cluttering the thread and making it more difficult to find helpful information for anyone reading it.

Not to mention the fact that due to the incorrect colourspace transformation, the screenshots would not be representative of what the actual images look like and a lot of the beauty is lost.

It’s interesting that you’ve been playing in HDR though because that’s something that I finally gotten around to doing some further experimentation with last night (with my CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack) and I’ve been able to achieve some really decent results in my opinion.

Just working on some presets as well as a seamless way to integrate and introduce the masses to the CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack in HDR mode.

Seeing that I’m working on this literally as we speak, I won’t attempt to address this in this comment.

What I would strongly suggest (emphasis on strongly) is that you remove those screenshots for now and allow me to share how I take and share HDR screenshots of my own with almost full fidelity.

When you get the hang of things and are ready to post one or two screenshots or photos, you can post just a minimal number so that the audience browsing the chat can get the gist, then include a link where viewers can see more pics if they choose.

You can also use “spoiler tags” when trying to disseminate content that might require such a large amount of scrolling to help in making it easier to navigate.

You can take a look at this while I gather the relevant links to share with you:

Sometimes I use a camera and take photos of the screen:

Here are some steps you can follow if you want to take proper HDR screenshots while in RetroArch.

What I’ve recently learned is that you can also take HDR screenshots using GeForce Experience/nVidia ShadowPlay even while using the Vulkan driver provided that Windows 11 is also in HDR mode.

If you started your computer with HDR off, you might have to disable then reenable the nVIDIA In-Game Overlay before you can take proper HDR screenshots.

You can also use the Windows Game Bar although I’m not sure if I remember having any success with that method on my particular graphics card/setup. Although I probably did eventually but maybe I just can’t recall.

I’m not sure if AMD has their own native solution for capturing HDR screenshots but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

Here is a tool which can help with conversion of the captured jxr files to jpg or PNG.


Greetings folks, I would like to share the method I have been using to experience and enjoy my CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack with the benefits of additional brightness via HDR.

  • First off, HDR needs to be enabled in Settings—>Video—>HDR.

  • Then the correct Peak Luminance and Paperwhite Values have to be entered for your particular display. If you’ve used my CyberLab Megatron 4K HDR Shader Preset Pack then you can use the same values for these that you enter in the Shader Parameters for that pack.

  • Once you have your game and CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack preset loaded go into Shader Parameters.

  • I start from the bottom then go up. Go to BrightBoost (Bright and Dark), Gamma_C, Saturation (in the Grade section) Gamma In, Gamma Out and Post CRT Brightness and press Start on your gamepad or enter on your keyboard for each of these parameters to reset them to defaults.

  • Optional: Go to Chroma Scaling/Bleeding and set that to 2.25 or just leave as is.

  • At this time the image may appear washed out. Go to Saturation and increase it until the colours look correct.

  • Adjust Gamma_C and/or Bright Boost Dark (and Bright) Pixels until the image is bright enough.

  • Note: This method has only been tried and tested using Mega Bezel v1.16.1. I’ve also tried doing this without resetting the Post CRT Brightness, Gamma In and Gamma Out settings and the results were good in some cases but not as good in other cases. It all depends on the mix of settings in the original preset.

This is what I’ve come up with so far as a quick and simple way to convert the large multitude of presets in my CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack from SDR only to HDR compatible. I’m sure if I spend some more time, I might be able to come up with an even better formula but for me, this method has brought beautiful results so far.

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Thanks Cyber. I removed all those pics. Yeah I am enthusiastic and shared way to much and the color wasn’t right for you to see anyway. Your work needs a discord but don’t know if you’re up for that. You’re the superstar of the CRT shader world. Enthusiasm will follow you.

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Well, I do participate in the RetroArch Shaders and Overlays Discord. One thing that I don’t think I would ever want is for what I do here to feel like “work”. Supporting and being present in a dedicated Discord channel seems like a step towards that direction. Besides that, I prefer the shaders, shader presets and the shader writers themselves to be the stars of the show.

What I have done is basically act as a bridge between powerful shader software technology and end users who just want their games to look great without having to understand and spend the time to learn all of the jargon and what every setting does.


how can i convert the megatron 4k hdr pack into mega bezel?

Hmmm…that would be a project. Probably almost like starting over. This is because the Mega Bezel uses an older version of Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor and also because my CyberLab Megatron Death To Pixels 4K HDR Shader Preset Pack uses a custom Shader Preset setup, while Mega Bezel uses its own custom shader preset setup.

You can take a look at this though.

But why would you want to convert from Megatron, when you can use the Mega Bezel Presets as a starting point and just inject HDR and recalibrate brightness and saturation?

I think the shaders we have now are more for pixel art. A new shader will have to be developed for systems like ps2 that do things with textures. I wonder how 480 crt’s handled those systems

I disagree. Tekken 3 and Street Fighter EX2 look awesome using my presets as well as Super Mario 64, Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast, Wii Sports, Muramasa The Demon Blade plus 480p video files.

What you have to remember is that my shader presets not only try to emulate the CRT and it’s inputs but also the unique output characteristics of the different game consoles/systems.

So for PS2, one should choose an appropriate preset that matches the output characteristics of that console.

what preset are you using for that PCSX2 screenshot @Cyber

I didn’t take nor post that screenshot and if you read my reply immediately below it, I asked the same question you’re asking me.

Maybe it’s this one?

…but you can try asking @Dreetto again.

i followed a combination of things based off everything you’ve said today plus the past few days and I finally got a solution that looks great. i’m cursed with a perfectionist brain lol

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Great! Would you mind sharing what you’ve learned along with probably 1 (one) or 2 (two) example screenshots/photos of the screen so that others may benefit?

Yup. I won’t go crazy with 50 plus photo’s just 2. To get this solution I modified the shader parameters of the Mega Bezel_0_Smooth-ADV preset. Here are the modifications

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV.slangp"
GAMMA_INPUT = "2.100000"
gamma_out = "2.500000"
HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "65.000000"
HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = "65.000000"
HSM_FXAA_ON = "1.000000"
GTU_ON = "1.000000"
compositeConnection = "1.000000"
wp_temperature = "6500.000000"
g_hue_degrees = "7.000000"
bloom = "0.150000"
gsl = "2.000000"
scanline1 = "4.000000"
scanline2 = "2.000000"
beam_min = "1.350000"
beam_max = "1.300000"
scan_falloff = "0.250000"
scangamma = "2.500000"
s_sharp = "1.000000"
shadowMask = "6.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"
masksize = "2.000000"
slotms = "2.000000"
addnoised = "0.180000"
noiseresd = "1.000000"

It’s colorful. not too dark or bright. I named the new preset SixthGenCRT. I found that keeping things simple was the way to go with sixthgen devices. The result is smooth and a little softer hence being based of the smooth preset from mega bezel.

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Also special thanks to @Cyber for guidance. Without him I wouldn’t have come to something that works for me. Cyber is the master behind the madness.

Also this is with HDR off. The display I’m using is a large TV. A Vizio P65Q9-H1 4K HDR tv It’s not an OLED or super expensive but it looks good to me.

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Strike that reverse it. Use this one instead:

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV.slangp"
GAMMA_INPUT = "2.100000"
gamma_out = "2.500000"
post_br = "1.310000"
HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "65.000000"
HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = "65.000000"
HSM_FXAA_ON = "1.000000"
GTU_ON = "1.000000"
compositeConnection = "1.000000"
wp_temperature = "6500.000000"
g_hue_degrees = "-7.000000"
g_sat = "0.020000"
glow = "0.000000"
bloom = "0.150000"
gsl = "2.000000"
scanline1 = "4.000000"
scanline2 = "2.000000"
beam_min = "1.350000"
beam_max = "1.300000"
scans = "0.000000"
scan_falloff = "0.250000"
shadowMask = "6.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"
masksize = "2.000000"
slotms = "2.000000"
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Don’t forget you can edit your previous post if you made a mistake or if this preset supersedes the old one. Especially if it’s so soon after you posted the original.

This reminds me of when I just started doing this:

Look at the number of edits I made to this post: