Jobima crt guest advanced presets

I want to share my presets of crt guest advanced (thanks guest.r for his great work in it), they are generic and I tweaked them to get blend of the good of CRT with Composite but with less artifacts (that in all versions except the last V3 which has analog artifacts but not clearly or it’s unobtrusively, in other words it should not be annoying)

Download Link:

Extract them and put them in RetroArch\shaders

Note: You need the latest update of guest.r’s latest shader, quote from sonkun (with some Edits) for how to update

Note: since V3.44 I kinda try to mix dot mask, slot mask and aperture grille

The main one is “Jobima CRT Preset V3.slangp” should work with anything without upscale

“Jobima CRT Preset Smooth 480i V3.slangp” same as above but it’s better for PS1 era Games

“Jobima CRT Preset 4x V3.slangp” should work with 4 time resolution upscale (tested with PS1 games and work fine)

“Jobima CRT Preset 4x Adaptive V3.slangp” same as above but if you set Adaptive Smoothing

Here some Images (still V3.43 not the updated one)

For old V3 or V2 or V1 (For comparison or if you prefer their look) see the post below

There are also fast non-guest presets in the post below (until I open another Topic for them, if I ever do)


Jobima crt guest advanced presets for reshade

some fast non-guest and handhelds LCD (until I open another Topic for it, if I ever do)


The V1 link extract them and put them in RetroArch\shaders

the main one is “Jobima CRT Preset.slangp” should work with anything without upscale

“Jobima CRT Preset Smooth 480i.slangp” same as above but it’s better for PS1 era Games

“Jobima CRT Preset 4x.slangp” should work with 4 time resolution upscale (tested with PS1 games and work fine)

“Jobima CRT Preset 4x Adaptive.slangp” same as above but if you set Adaptive Smoothing

here some Images for V1



Here some Images For V3 not V3.3

Edit: these old, try V3 or V2 below unless you like the V1 look

So I did some bold changes, so it’s V3 now


Edit: old V2

The V1

Old (V2)

New (V2)

Old (V3)

I will keep V1 and V2 for now (maybe I will remove them later maybe never), Old (V2) most likely be deleted

Edit: Seems I did gone too bold, so I did upload another update with less bold changes


So you used a bit of that new color edge setting I see, I guess it’ll serve useful depending on what your end goal is. Mines was to get the cleanest sharpest composite image I can obtain and that setting serves its purpose ten times over, I can’t stress how much of a big deal that one setting is for me.

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Yes it’s useful feature since you can’t sharp the Chroma, I don’t like the very sharp image, also the sharp chroma does not fit Dracula eye in symphony of the night

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Kind of figured from your shots above you were aiming for the “Dracula Eyes” look. Yeah I think cranking that setting up will get anything but that look, then again I don’t know since I never tried tweaking for that specific look.

I did small update, new V2 should give that Dracula eye in symphony of the night look, or at least it so close Dracula eye in symphony of the night

Edit: I did added V3

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I did yet another update to V3, below how “Dracula Eyes” look now


Also I did clean the topic/thread, so the new update with new images in the first op post


I did an update, it’s V3.3 now

now it so close to that CRT image, not only in “Dracula Eyes” look


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I tried to convert my settings to reshade CRT-Guest-Advanced, HD and NTSC for ReShade!

it’s not 100% same since the reshade port is outdated but better than nothing

the link in the 2nd post of this topic/thread for anyone want them


another small update to make it closer to that CRT image, V3.35



updated to 3.40

still not 100% similar to real crt but there are some room to improve

my aim is to make it like

with setting “Gamma correct” to 2 in “BRIGHTNESS SETTINGS”

Edit: updated to 3.41, now it should be close to that Twitter (X) image and also in Dracula image, in other word it should be ok for any general use


updated, you also need to update to “NewestCRT Guest Advanced update

there are also some non-CRT (like handhelds LCD) presets in the top of 2nd post

anyway, there are some images in the 1st OP post, and here Dracula and Miria



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